Towns and Cities of

Towns and Cities of
Towns and Cities of

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information of
Na?ay information of
Na?ay Kalay information of
Na?ay O?ja
information of
Na?ay Obeh information of
Na?gasay information of
information of
Nakam information of
Naray information of
Naray Kalay
information of
Naray Obeh information of
Naray Orja information of
Naray Owbeh
information of
Naray Urdzah information of
Naray Urdzah information of
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Nasi?khel information of
Nasir Kheyl information of
Nasir Kheyl
information of
Nasirkhel information of
Nawabad information of
information of
Naway Kados Kheder Khan information of
Naway Kados Kheder Khan information of
Naway Kot
information of
Naway Kot information of
Nawrakay information of
Neknam Kala
information of
Neknam Kala information of
Nen?a?khel information of
Nendar Kheyl
information of
Nendar Kheyl information of
Nendarkhel information of
Nepki Kheyl
information of
Nepki Kheyl information of
Nepkikhel information of
information of
Nevay Kowt information of
Niazi Kala information of
Niazi Kala
information of
Niknam Kala information of
Niknam Kala information of
Nis Kot Hematkhel
information of
Nis Kot Hematkhel information of
Nis Kowt Hemat Kheyl information of
Nis Kowt Hemat Kheyl
information of
Nisti Kot information of
Nisti Kot information of
Nisti Kowt
information of
Nisti Kowt information of
No?a Cime information of
No?a Cine
information of
No?akhel information of
Nora Cime information of
Nora Cine
information of
Norakhel information of
Nowabad information of
information of
Nowrakay information of
Nura Chini information of
Nura Chini
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Nura Kheyl information of
Nura Kheyl information of
Nyazi Kala
information of
Nyazi Kala


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